First Steps

eBook - Developing BizTalk Applications

Erschienen am 22.12.2007, Auflage: 1/2007
21,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781430204589
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 104 S., 3.71 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


First Steps: Developing BizTalk Applications is a primer to most other introductory BizTalk books. If you feel like traditional beginning books are too abstract, and that you are mired in detail and missing the big picture, check out this book. It's not a referenceit's a jumpstart to learning BizTalk. You'll learn about the product in a phased approach. This way, you only learn what you need to know, when you need to know it. And the entire book is example-based: you'll learn by doing. Each phase provides detailed instructions for creating, deploying, and testing a BizTalk project. Through the books projects, you will be exposed to orchestrations, pipelines, maps, schemas, messages, ports, shapes, the BizTalk Server Administration console, and the Health and Activity Tracking (HAT) tool.

To quickly get ahead and quickstart your BizTalk learning process, this book is for you.


Robert Loftin is an independent software consultant and recently has been involved in the development of internet and intranet applications using Microsoft and Oracle technologies. He has experience in the telecommunications, brokerage, leasing and pharmaceutical industries. Throughout his career, he has fulfilled a variety of application development roles ranging from developer to development manager. Robert has been involved in the PC industry since the early days; developing custom applications and tools for the first and subsequent IBM PC platforms, which eventually came to be known as the Win/Tel platform. He has pursued many entrepreneurial activities some of which included custom application development, development tools for BASIC programmers, a personal information manager and a web based auction site. His knowledge of various computing technologies has been acquired by investing vast amounts of time in independent study. Robert has a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from Duke University, and a master of science degree in biomedical engineering from Rutgers University. He is licensed to practice engineering in the state of North Carolina, and enjoys early morning walks, swimming and hiking. He considers himself a political news junkie and blogs regularly.


Creating, Deploying, and Testing a BizTalk Application.- Working with Schemas.- Message Mapping.

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